We take privacy seriously. When you visit our website, our servers collect some technical information about you (web browser type, IP address) and also track which pages you visit on our site, for a period of up to 24 months. As long as you are not logged in, this information is fairly anonymous and we will use it only to create anonymous statistics. We may also provide the information collected about you if, in cases of fraud or other criminal activities, we are subpoenaed to do so by competent legal authorities.

If you post to our blogs, you need to become a registered user and you will, of course, leave some additional traces of your identity: contact details, log in, etc. However, unless we are legally forced to do so, we will not combine our server logs to create detailed tracking of your behavior or sessions on our website.

This website uses several cookies. They store technical information that allows us to better interact with your browser and to identify you on subsequent visits to our site.

This website also uses Google Analytics to collect non-identifying and aggregate information to improve our website.


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